Friday, January 31, 2020

Final Task Title Research: Wild at Heart (

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?
There are 26 titles during the opening sequence of the film.

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The image of match progressively burning until the flames consume the screen ultimately make up the foundation of the opening sequence.

What connotations do the images carry?
The burning fire carries a connotation of danger and destruction. A fire begins small but eventually grows larger and larger as it consumes more. A fire can only thrive through the destruction of others as that is its nature. This image is ultimately conflicts with the music in the background. The songs orchestra reflects feelings of serenity, providing the audience a sense of security. The coexistence of these two elements in conjunction with the title of the film, Wild at Heart, implies a love that is ultimately chaotic in nature, potentially resulting in the demise of both parties involved in this relationship.

How does the film establish an enigma from the offset?
As stated previously, the nature of a fire ultimately contradicts the nature of the music playing in the background. The fire is a force that lives off the demise of others, yet at the same time is capable of providing life to others at the same time. For example, the ashes of a burnt forest, enriches the soil, allowing for the growth of more trees. This may be a stretch, but in a sense the music exemplifies the contradictions of the fire has within itself.

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to the target audience?
Wild at Heart is actually a film adaption of the novel. It would be safe to assume that the producers would target those that may have read the book or perhaps may have just heard of it. The name of the author is highlighted within the first few seconds of the title sequences, which would be familiar to those that have read the book.

How has technology been used effectively?
The editors used software to insert the titles within the sequences, fading them into the screen then fading them out into the next title. They also used a graphic match to shift from the lighting of the match to a large, consuming fire. They also dissolve the image of the fire  into the opening scene, allowing for an overall smooth transition.

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