Sunday, January 26, 2020

Final Task Genre Research: Queen and Slim

Genre Research: Queen and Slim (2019)  

CAMS (Camera Angles, Camera Movements, Camera Shots) 
Camera angles and camera movements play a vital role within the production of this film. These components aid in adding the dynamic effect that corresponds with the genre.
Camera angles include: 
  • High Angles 
  • Low Angles 
Camera movements include:
  • Pan 
  • Zoom In/Out 
  • Tracking 
Camera shots include:
  • Establishing shot 
  • Double Shot 
  • Close-ups 
  • Wide shot 
CLAMPS (Mis-En-Scene) 

The mise-en-scene of a film is crucial within any genre. Without costumes, lighting, actors, make-up, props and setting it would be impossible to even produce a film. It would merely remain an idea within a film maker’s notebook 

Costumes in the movie include: 
  • Casual Clothing 
  • Police Uniform 
  • Tracksuits
 Typical Lighting include:
  • Lowkey Lighting 
  • Natural Lighting 
  •  High Key Lighting 
 Actors/Actresses include:
  • Protagonist
  •  Antagonists 
  • Extras 
Make-up typical to action include:
  •  Natural makeup 
 Typical Props include:
  •  Guns
  •  Cellphones
  •  Cars 
 Settings include: An airport
  •  A diner 
  • An apartment 
  • The street 

The sounds implemented into romance films work to evoke certain emotions within a given scene. 
 Sounds in Queen and Slim include:
  • Soundtrack
  •  Voiceovers
  •  Dialogue
  •  Diegetic Sounds such as gunshots

The editing within Romance films also plays a crucial role in adding the ‘flare’ and ‘emotional appeal’ associated with this film
 Common editing techniques include:
  •  Shot/ Reverse Shot
  • Fade In
  • Eye-line Match
  • Jump Cut
 Elements of the Genre
There are several elements that makeup this film:
  • Concept of Man Vs. Society
  • Theme of True Love Prevails
  • Conflict
  • Rising Action
  • Sex
 What Elements Do I Like?
  •  The sense of intimacy between the main actors
  •  The underlying theme of black excellence 
  • The soundtrack.

What Elements Don’t I Like? The movie followed a timeline similar to the story of Bonnie and Clyde, and though it was romantic, the ending was predictable.

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