Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Storyboard Blog

Today, we finally managed to complete the storyboard for a Gatorade commercial, a step that will ultimately make the filming process much easier. Storyboarding was quite the group experience. Coming together and allowing our creative juices to flow from our minds, intertwining with one another and spawning even more ideas, resulted in what we saw as the best path to take for this project. In a nutshell, our commercial will go as follows: The commercial will begin with a full Gatorade bottle displayed on the screen placed on the field of grass and instrumental music will start playing. For our score, we decided to use the song “Hot” by Young Thug as it coincided with our vision for the commercial. Then, it will transition to 3 different scenes, each carrying a dull, dim atmosphere. This works to give the impression that the individuals in the scenes are tired, completely deprived of the energy and unable to carry out the tasks at hand. With this, slow transitions will be used in order to have the effect of the sluggishness that our actors will have. Transitions like slow pans and slow tilts. This develops the idea of a problem, which Gatorade will soon provide a solution. After this, each actor will take sips of Gatorade and this will be shown on a three-way split screen. The colors would change to a more vibrant setting and the music will be at a more upbeat tempo. Then, the same tasks that were attempted before will be attempted again, but performed better, illustrating the ‘liquid power’ of the Gatorade. As typical conventions used in Gatorade commercial, faster transitions, and dynamic shots will be used in order to get the attention of the audience. To end the commercial, an empty Gatorade bottle will be placed on the same field at the same spot.

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